FMB manuális szalagfűrészgépek | |
Az FMB manuális szalagfűrészgépe megbízható partner a napi fűrészelési feladatokban az iparban. Ideális csövek, profilok és tömör anyagok fűrészelésére. Lenyűgöz a pontosságával és sima futásával. A számos alapfelszereltség mellett a gérvágó fűrész vonzó ár-teljesítmény arányt kínál. Egyszerű kezelésük és kis helyigényük miatt ideális fűrészgépek fémmegmunkáló műhelyekben, karbantartó cégeknél, kovács- és oktatóműhelyekben történő használatra. |
FMB Phoenix FMB Triton
● Head gravity feeding system, hydraulic
cylinder and front valve for feeding regulation
● Blade stopping micro at the end of the cut
● Tough cast-iron vice manually movable,
with manual approach and fast lever piece
● Head rotation angle stop at 0°, 45°, 60°
and -45°
● Graduated scale for angle measure reading
and strong locking lever
45° R
60° R
● Solid cast iron vice with manual feeding
and lever fast piece clamping
● Head rotation angle stop at 0°, 45° and 60°
● Graduated scale for angle measure rea-
ding and strong head rotation locking lever
● Reduction gear box with inclined grinded
case hardened teeth lubricated with long
lasting grease
45° R
60° R
FMB Antares FMB Orion
● Material clamping vice 45° inclined to the
left which has not to be shift for the left
or right cut
● Head rotation angle stop at 45°, 60° and -45°
● Graduated scale for angle measure reading
and strong head rotation locking lever
● Reduction gear box with inclined grinded
case hardened teeth lubricated with long
lasting grease
45° R
60° R
45° L
● Manual positioning closing vice with fast
clamping system
● Head rotation angle stop at 0°, 45°, 60°
and -45°
● Graduated scale for angle measure reading
and strong head rotation locking lever
45° R
60° R
45° L
FMB Titan+G
● Head gravity feeding system, hydraulic
cylinder and front valve for feeding regulation
● Blade stopping micro at the end of the cut
● Solid cast iron vice with manual feeding
and lever fast piece clamping
● Head rotation angle stop at 0°, 45° and 60°
● Graduated scale for angle measure reading
and strong locking lever
45° R
60° R
FMB Mercury+G FMB Saturn+G
● Head gravity feeding system, hydraulic cy-
linder and front valve for feeding regulation
● Blade stopping micro at the end of the cut
● Solid cast iron vice with manual feeding
and lever fast piece clamping
● Head rotation angle stop at 0°, 45° and 60°
● Graduated scale for angle measure reading
and strong locking lever
45° R
60° R
● Head gravity feeding system, hydraulic
cylinder and front valve for feeding regulation
● Blade stopping micro at the end of the cut
● Tough cast-iron vice manually movable,
with manual approach and fast lever piece
● Head rotation angle stop at 0°, 45°, 60°
and -45°
● Graduated scale for angle measure reading
and strong locking lever
45° R
60° R
45° L