FMB félautomata szalagfűrészgépek H27 | |
Az anyag behelyezése után nem kell mást tenni, mint megnyomni egy gombot, és a szalagfűrészen lefut egy automatikus fűrészelési ciklus: anyag rögzítése, fűrészelés, lazítás, fűrészkeret felemelése. A gépek 27-es szalag használatához lettek tervezve. |
FMB Centauro FMB Sirius
Blade rotation by inverter
VAT – Cutting angle degrees display
Blade cleaning motorized brush
Gear box (efficiency 95%)
Hinged head guard
Start and return blade height position storing
Cutting angle visualization on digital display
Stops at -60°/-45°/0°/+45°/+60°
Head rotation by handwheel
45° R
60° R
Semiautomatic band saw machine
to cut from 0° to 60° right.
Head hydraulic controlled with cutting
adjustment by single-turn flow valve,
in an ergonomic position.
Material clamping vice with manual
positioning with hydraulic locking cylinder.
Head rotation angle stop at 0°,45° and 60°.
Degrees measuring system, graduated scale
and rugged in construction locking lever.
45° R
60° R
FMB Calipso FMB Omega
Blade rotation by inverter
Blade cleaning motorized brush
Gear box (efficiency 95%)
Hinged head guard
Start and return blade height position
Head rotation
Stops at 0°, 45° and 60°
45° R
60° R
45° L
Semiautomatic band saw machine
to cut from 0° to 60° right and 45° left.
Head hydraulic controlled with cutting
adjustment by single-turn flow valve,
in an ergonomic position.
Large material support surface, manual
positioning closing vice with hydraulic locking
Head rotation angle stop at 0°,45°,60° and -45°.
Degrees measuring system, graduated scale
and rugged in construction locking lever.
45° R
60° R
45° L
FMB Major FMB Mercury
Semiautomatic band saw machine
to cut from 0° to 60° right.
Head hydraulic controlled with cutting
adjustment by single-turn flow valve,
in an ergonomic position.
Material clamping vice with manual
positioning with hydraulic locking cylinder.
Head rotation angle stop at 0°,45° and 60°.
Degrees measuring system, graduated scale
and rugged in construction locking lever.
45° R
60° R
Semiautomatic band saw machine
to cut from 0° to 60° right.
Head hydraulic controlled with cutting
adjustment by single-turn flow valve,
in an ergonomic position.
Material clamping vice with manual
positioning with hydraulic locking cylinder.
Head rotation angle stop at 0°,45° and 60°.
Degrees measuring system, graduated scale
and rugged in construction locking lever.
45° R
60° R
FMB Solar FMB Saturn
Semiautomatic band saw machine
to cut from 0° to 60° right.
Head hydraulic controlled with cutting
adjustment by single-turn flow valve,
in an ergonomic position.
Material clamping vice with rack system,
manual positioning and fast clamping system.
Head rotation angle stop at 0°,45° and 60°.
Degrees measuring system, graduated scale
and rugged in construction locking lever.
45° R
60° R
Semi automatic band saw machine
for cutting from 0° to 60° right
and from 0° to 45° left, of profiles or full
of medium dimensions.
Head hydraulic controlled with cutting
adjustment by single-turn flow valve,
in an ergonomic position.
Material clamping vice in cast iron,
with manual hand wheel and hydraulic
lock cylinder.
Head rotation angle stop at
0°, 45°, 60° and -45°.
Degrees measuring system, graduated
scale and rugged in construction locking lever.
45° R
60° R
45° L